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ART MOBILEは、世界を巡る仮設の移動ギャラリーです。
世界各地でその土地のアーティストとコラボレーションし、ART MOBILEが置かれる周辺環境との間にギャラリースペースと人々が集える小さな公共の場所を作り出します。



さらに、ART MOBILEは、FaceBookと連動することで、世界中の人々とインタラクティブに繋がります。

各地で開かられるART MOBILEでの展覧会の様子もこのFACE BOOK PAGEにてリアルタイムでうかがい知ることができます。

また、写真を投稿することで、その写真がART MOBILEに投影されるなど、インタラクティブなコンテンツによって、遠く離れた場所からでも、展示に参加することもできます。


ART MOBILE is a gallery that travels around the world.
It collaborates with different artists in each city in order to create a gallery space and a small community space where people are brought together and an ART MOBILE event is created.

Each ART MOBILE event is unique not only by exhibiting mind blowing artists but also by not having a set shape. The overall shape of the ART MOBILE gallery is made up of connection of the individual units of upside-down triangular pyramids. The size and configuration of these units changes with exhibiting location and the preferences of each artist.

It is a simple system. The existing mobile gallery consist of numerous boxes, which can be transported. ART MOBILE instead consists of transporting textile(tyvek) that can be easily carried in just one suitcase.

ART MOBILE will also connect with people from all over the world interactively by also working with facebook.

People can view in real time the changing ART MOBILE exhibitions through an ART MOBILE facebook page.

If you post pictures to the facebook page, the picture will be projected back onto ART MOBILE. So you can join the exhibition even from far away by interactive means and the ART MOBILE gallery is thereby constantly creating new unique events for its viewers.

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Project Details

Main use :gallery
Location :tokyo

Contructor : pivoto
Photo :Yasutake Kondo