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MEET MEET MEETでは、以上のデメリットを補い、深くデザインについての議論や思考を交わし

We made a community space where people can come freely in a container at TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK(TDW : design event).
As premise, we focused on a demerit of this kind of a giant event. That is to say, the number of exhibits is too miscellaneous to remember each of them.
That is an installation to create deeper discussions, thoughts and awareness about the DESIGN.

The container is divided by three rooms, and a table passing through each room.
There are two doors for entrance and exit, so people walk in one direction.
In the first room, there is an interactive content working with facebook and images, which are projected on the table.

Those are the posted pictures on facebook which people thought interesting at TDW.
In the second room which is the smallest one, wine glasses are set. It’s a neutral space to connect each of the rooms.
In the third room, wine glasses are put on the table.
It’s a room equipping contents to connect people in the container directly.

According to the moving of wine glasses reading by *kinekt, when they pick up the wine glass the lines of the light become connected with each other.
This brings people together and creates opportunities for conversation, besides it is a simple device.
It brings opportunities to explore the discussion of TDW and DESIGN in this three rooms.

It is not just holding at a giant event but it is an installation aiming a space to get some rewarding through an event.

*kinekt : A motion sensing input device.


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Project Details

Main use :installation
Location :tokyo

Contructor : pivoto
STATUS :Completed
YEAR :2013